Modeling Articles

There are many ways to go about modeling. Here we present some ideas on scenery, electrical and other useful modeling techniques. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to submit an article to this section. We hope this helps stimulate your imagination!

How to make your first step in digital railroad modelling?
by Dani Guisado
Dani provides a great introduciton and overview of ways to automate your layout. Dani's projects on his blog provide a lot of fun examples of automation.

Autumn at the Temple
by Curt LeVan
My second T-Trak module needed to have a transition down from the raised ground of my first module. I also wanted to use a recently purchased Tomytec temple, so I decided to model a small slope and then some flat ground for the temple. Finally, to add further interest I thought would try to add a mountain backdrop.

Rice Paddies: quintessential Asian scenery
by Paul Ingraham, Coordinator, AsiaNRail
Modeling an Asian layout without rice paddies would be like representing New York City without skyscrapers. More than any other feature, rice paddies say "Asia" like no other kind of scenery. See how Paul Igraham of AsiaNRails in California has produced some stunning rice paddy scenes with very simple parts.

Beginnings of a TTRAK Empire?
by Curt LeVan
After more than 10 years away from the hobby I decided to contract out the hard work of building a medium-size N scale layout for my basement. Unfortunately, this meant that I had nearly a year to wait for the basics of the layout to be completed and I wanted something to work on now. Fortunately, I was introduced to TTRAK.

Flickering LEDs
Want a flickering light to simulate a fire, arc welder, or flickering fluorescent light? Here is a quick and cheap idea for doing this.

Shinagawa Station and Yard
While this is a huge engine and car yard along with local and shinkansen stations, it has many interesting possibilities for layouts. Doug Coster has provided a simplified track plan based on the prototype track plan.

Actual Shinagawa Map jpeg file (3.3MB)
Simplified Prototype by Doug Coster jpeg file (416K)
  Excel file (31K)

More coming soon!


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