Trains of Japan

Several members of Japan Rail Modelers of Washington DC have visited Japan to see the full-size versions of their N-gauge trains. Here are links to a large collection of photos of the real thing and two “top ten” lists that will help you travel in their footsteps.

If you have questions about the prototype trains, or railfanning in Japan, don’t hestitate to drop us a line:


The Trains of Japan
A Photo Essay

By Bob Tomakso
Japan has an amazing variety of trains to see and ride in. Take a computer screen-trip to Tokyo and beyond with the help of these 16 photo galleries.

  Riding the Rails in Japan
10 Tips for Easy Travel

By Bob Tomakso
Here’s some basic travel advice on getting to Japan and thriving (train-wise) once you’ve crossed the Pacific. Suggestions are included about planning your train-riding, schedules, railpasses and the like, along with a few tips about adjusting to the local scene.
  Riding the Rails in Japan
10 Top Railfanning Ideas

By Bob Tomakso
In Japan you begin railfanning at the airport and then it just gets better and better. To get you started, here are ten rides and train-attractions you don’t want to miss.
  Scenes From Japan
by Aaron Heiiner
Aaron presents a stunning look at japan through his black and white photography.
  Japan's Trains
by Aaron Heiner
An artistic look at the trains of Japan and the people who use them with black and white photography.
  Prototype Articles
We have articles on various Japanese prototypes.
  Other Web Resources:

7 Reasons Why Japanese Trains Are Different
A great site with info on the uniquness of Japanese train systems.


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