First Look at Kato's New UniTram Track
by Curt LeVan

My new Kato Unitram Starter Set arrived a few days ago and I'm still in the process of putting it together. However, I wanted to get some pictures out as quickly as possible. The set consists of interlocking plastic tiles with a built-in double loop of tram track. The dimensions are roughly 2 feet by 2 feet.

It looks like 10 or 12 Kato buildings would be required to fill the assigned spaces, and the instruction manual provides some suggested buildings and prices to achieve an urban, rural or suburban look. The set also includes a cardboard building backdrop which can fill the center of the loop if you don't have any buildings. So far it is going together well, although the posts for the fences along the sidewalk are a bit thick for the provided holes (you are literally putting a round peg into a square holes). The tram itself works well although it seems a bit noisy. I'm planning to experiment a bit to see what can be done about the sound.

So far I am enjoying this set and look forward to detailing it to a high standard. More photos here.


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