Australian Japanese Model Railway Group
by Brian Elliott & AJMRG

AJMRG is a group of enthusiasts specializing in Japanese Model Trains and Trams; most in "N" scale. Our group is 'Module Based', following the Kato Modular System utilizing Kato Unitrack.

We meet each month on the 3rd Saturday at Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne from 2pm to 4pm.

The club runs rolling stock, that is from any manufacturer (Kato, Tomix, Greenmax) and pulled by Japanese prototypes ie. Shinkansen (bullet train), Steam/ Electric/ Diesel Locomotive, Passenger/ Goods, Interurban/ Suburban.

Group History
Four model railway enthusiasts living in Victoria in 2002, found they had a common interest in Japanese ‘N’ gauge models and decided to form a club.

Their intention was to find fellow Japanese model railway enthusiasts to participate with them in the enjoyment and fun.

The Kato modular system was enlisted using the Kato Unitrack (which at the time was the only track available). The group became known as Australian Japanese Model Railway Group.

At the annual “Japan Day Festival” at Box Hill in 2006 the Japanese Model Railway Club put on the first exhibition of their members’ modular track layout. This attracted great interest from visitors to the festival and from other model railway enthusiasts. Japanese visitors were especially intrigued to see models of trains they knew from back home, running around the tracks.

The main outcome of the Box Hill exhibition was more members joining the Japanese Model Railway Group. Appreciation of the show by all visitors to the Japan festival, gave encouragement to the club. Boys, girls, mums and dads watching the trains, filled the exhibition room throughout the day.

Interests of the club expanded in 2007 to take in ‘Z’ and ‘HO’ gauge tracks, as membership of the club grew. New members using those gauges were then able to contribute to exhibition layouts.

With the continuing success at Box Hill, the club began exhibiting at model railways shows in and around Melbourne and has always attracted great interest. The club is now considering showing at some interstate model railway exhibitions.

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