JRM Photos: Kanjiyama

An N gauge Japanese Terminus Layout by Nick Harling

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post-141-13569924222054 post-141-13569924262134 post-141-13569924753338
post-141-13569924753717 post-141-13569924754459 post-141-13569924891229
post-141-13569924891681 Station-1 Controlpanel
Underside1 Underside2 KiHa48KiHa53
Approach Overall Departure
FYEntrance Picture002 Picture003
Picture005 IMG_6308 IMG_6309
IMG_6312 Overall-2 OverallTownandStation
FreightChangeover FreightDeparture IMG_6923
IMG_6924 Factory-Complete Apartment-Complete
IMG_6925 IMG_6926 Overall-3
Town1-1 Town Tunnels-2

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

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Use rights for these photos has been granted by the photographers to Japan Rail Modelers. All these photographs are copyrighted and all rights reserved. Permisssion is expressly not granted for external use without first contacting Japan Rail Modelers for possible permission.


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